Tuesday, September 2, 2008

First Day of Kindergarten

So today was Caden's first day of kindergarten. He was so excited, he couldn't hardly wait to go. In fact since back to school night a couple weeks ago, Caden has been asking me when he get's to go to school. So today I go and pick him up from the sitter's to take him to school. He wanted both Guy and I to drop him off so that's what we did. I think that he is going to be fine. He didn't even care when we left. He just was so happy to be at school. I hope that continues though-out his years in school. Here are a couple of pictures from the day. This was outside before we walked in. The other one, I swear he is not sticking his pencil up his nose, he is just thinking.

So when I picked him up from the daycare. I asked Caden how his day went. He said that he had lots of fun in school and the only name he remembered is his teacher Mrs. Cragun. I guess that' a good name to remember. ;) He's my little trooper I'm so proud of him.


Jay and Ang said...

I cannot believe how big Caden has gotten. We are so proud of him too! We miss you guys so much...It's hard for both of us to be away from everyone, especially all the little ones because they are growing up so fast and we feel like we're missing it. :( You're such a great mom.

Unknown said...

i love the pencile to the nose. that is somthing uncle jer dose when he is thinking hard. im so proud of him he is so big