Monday, October 27, 2008

Crazy Kids

This video isn't the best because it was taken with my phone. But this was too cute to pass up. We went to a birthday/Halloween party at my sister-in-laws house. Towards the end of the night when most everyone had gone home the little kids started playing with Guy. The birthday boy had received a set of "Hulk" hands and they make noise when you hit them. The kids would run into Guy and he would bonk them on the head with the Hulk hand, they would fall down and then get right back up and go back for more. It was hilarious. I didn't get the best parts because I was in the other room. Before I got in there after they hit the ground they would make someone in the room count to 10 before they would get back up. It sounded pretty funny. Pay attention to about 25 seconds, Caden gets whacked pretty good. It's hilarious.

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